Tag Archives: abouttruckdriving.com

Is ADN>twitter: 256>140 (that’s obvious)& comment on abouttruckdriving.com @toddmccann podcast



Allow me to start off here with my comment, in its entirety, that I wrote last night on @toddmccann ‘s latest Trucker Dump podcast on abouttruckdriving.com. I originally thought I would have to just leave a link to it in his comment section. Because I thought it would be too long winded and would cause his website to go into self destruct mode. He’d be more than a little upset with me if that happened. He worked way too long & hard on it. So please folks if you haven’t checked it out yet. I would recommend you do so Trucker Dump on abouttruckdring.com

First off let me say, before I forget as far as your reply to the 19 year old(from your feedback section). I’m not sure where you are getting that you have to be 23 to drive interstate OTR. The company that you know I drive for, as well as instruct for hires 21 year olds on a weekly basis. I’ve instructed some of them. I’d hate 2 think my company and I were illegally training drivers.

I could’ve written a whole blog instead of commenting here and I’ve even had thoughts of turning my blog into a podcast just like you did.

But here’s the reason I won’t do that( ill just leave the comment here. Perhaps you’ll read it in a future feedback session and ill have achieved the same end result). I don’t mind people hearing what I write, actually I think it would be cool! Just not in my voice. Yours or anyone else’s would be fine. You’ve met me, Todd, you know what I sound like.

Well I hate the way I speak. As a kid I took a lot of kidding(psychological abuse) because of it. I’ve just never gotten over being self conscious about the way I talk

Now enough said about that. If I can remember what I wanted to say now. Oh yes your “drivers seat phenomenon” blog/ podcast

Ill have to admit to being one of those drivers sitting in the seat you were talking about. I can tell you most of the time, when I’m in the seat, I’ve either got my iPhone in my hand(usually on twitter) or sometimes, like right now I have my iPad mini resting on the steering wheel writing this comment. After I finish this I will likely do something I don’t often do. Ill get the MBP out and work on my blog post.

And yes I’ll set it up on the steering wheel. It makes a handy little laptop stand IMO.
And yes the bright white glowing apple will be visible to anyone that passes by my truck and looks. I’m proud to let others know I got an apple MBP. Can’t say that I’ve ever had the fear of someone breaking into my truck. I’m usually in it when it’s parked unless I go in for a quick shower or to grab something to eat. I rarely eat in the restraunt anymore.

Or sometimes maybe I do look like I’m staring into space or watching people walk by or watching the guy next to me park and hope that I can trust him to do so without touching my truck or trailer. I’ve Been a “people watcher” ever since I was a kid. When I’d go to the mall on Saturday nights with my grandparents. Grandad and I would sit on a bench and watch people while my Grammy was in one of the stores.

Or maybe I’m doing my paperwork so I can get paid for the loads I deliver.

Or maybe, and I’ve never thought about it this way, till I listened to your podcast. I just maybe a tad bit clostraphobic. Being in my sleeper area with the curtain closed while I’m awake just feels wrong to me. It’s like I’m shut off from the rest of the world. Unless I’m sleeping or eating, normally the curtains open while I’m eating.

I guess basically what I’m saying is I see no good reason to be in the sleeper with the curtains closed unless I’m actually in bed sleeping.

That should about cover it. I think I’ve confirmed some of your thoughts on this subject and hopefully enlightened you on a few others

And in addition one more reason for sitting in the drivers seat that I didn’t even think of until after I had already left my comment on his website.
I’m sure this wouldn’t have occurred to him since he doesn’t share the habit. Perhaps the driver is, like me, a smoker who doesn’t normally smoke in bed. I only do this twice a day. The first one in the morning when I wake up and the last one at night before I go to sleep. All my other daily cigarettes are smoked while I’m sitting in the drivers seat. Whether I’m driving or parked at a customer or a truckstop.

Ok now that I’ve shared all that with you, just in case your not a subscriber to his blog, I wanted to make sure all of you had the chance to read my words of wisdom LMFAO

On with the blog;

Is ADN>Twitter?(if the shoe fits lace that bitch up and wear it)

Before I get started with this blog post. I feel I should give it a little introduction or more specifically let you know how it came about…

One day last week, I believe it was Thursday , as I was driving towards my 90, that’s how Prime refers to my receiver, I was driving west on I74 in Illinois fixing to have to get on I57 to get to I72. I had been thinking about writing this blog and the things I wanted to say in it, and how I would say them and why…

That was my first mistake. As I’m sure some of you other drivers know, whether or not you want to admit it. Thinking and driving, or daydreaming as its sometimes referred to. Is more distracting IMO than either texting, tweeting, posting or being on the phone.

They should probably write me a ticket for that. Instead of the HUGE fines for texting and driving. I do use Siri most of the time so I’m not actually having to type but I still have my phone in my hand. So I think I should probably invest in a good Bluetooth b4 I get in trouble.
See there I go off track again. Where was I ?

So anyway I exited onto I57 but missed the exit for I72 and had to go down to the next exit and flip around to get to where I was going.

What I had been thinking about as I was driving that day was ADN or App.net. Some of you may have heard of it already or may already be on it. Or you might be asking your self what is ADN and why I should I give two shits about it…

Well ill have to do some more research on it before I publish this blog but for now let me introduce it to you. Let you know how i came to be @driverchrismc on App.net(you can follow me there as well just like you do on twitter) and give you my first impressions. As if you care. LOL. Of course you do if you didn’t you you wouldn’t be reading this….You are still reading aren’t you?

Ok great since I haven’t lost you yet. Here goes the blog:
A few weeks ago I started noticing one of my friends on twitter mention that he was on app.net. Then another of my twitter friends got on there. So I was to say the least curious at this point. So when that first friend I mentioned retweeted someone else’s tweet that gave a link to get on this app.net. I jumped on it. Yes I admit I’m a follower. No shame here.

This is not the same tweet that I was referring to but it will get you there if your interested in going there.

@filmfreak75 Sign up and pay for App dot net on their website, or get a free account via their app:


Yep that’s right the basic idea behind it is a paid social network, like twitter, but not-exactly

Let me say upfront here that you can get on it for free as of this time. That’s how my 2 twitter friends got on it and that’s how I got on. I think we all know my first friend is too much of a cheapskate to pay for something like that,even though I haven’t mentioned his name.

As I said two of my twitter friends were already using it, and by their own admission they plan on using it for a different more techy or photographic purpose something altogether different than the friendly twitter conversations we have on a daily basis. I think that’s a great idea. More power to them, I say.
But here’s what I’ve got in mind as my way of using ADN in addition to twitter
Now as you all know I live on twitter and wouldn’t even think of giving it up or replacing it with ADN

But here’s what I find to be most useful to me about ADN, instead of twitters arbitrarary, or at least I thought that they pulled that 140 character limit out of the blue. I now know after a google search that it indeed makes some sence. http:/limit/www.mediabistro.com/alltwitter/twitter-basics-why-140-characters-and-how-to-write-more_b1124

ADN allows your “posts” to be up to 256 characters, almost doubling the length of your “tweet” which is limited to 140.
Also they allow you to cross post your post to your twitter account. In the Netbot app I use for it that option can be found under the retweet…excuse me…I meant repost button.

If your post is too long for twitter. It will be appropriately shortened and a link added to your complete original post. Now I know there are other alternatives to get around the 140 tweet limit. I’ve even used some of them myself. TMI.me is one option, twitlonger is another. I really never liked either one personally. Although they do serve the purpose. Another option if you’re interested is a twitter app I used to use occasionally called “Tweetcaster”. That app automatically splits a long tweet into two parts not exceeding the 140 character limit. But I was disappointed. It sometimes tweeted them backwards or retweeted your old tweets the next time you open the app.

So basically that’s all I want is to not be kept in a strangle hold by that 140 character limit. From now on when I have more to say than 140 characters. Ill simply post it on ADN and then repost or actually cross post it to my twitter account.

So y’all are more than welcome to follow me @driverchrismc on ADN, after all to borrow a phrase from @darkstaff I am an Attention whore. So just like on twitter the more followers I have the more content I will be. However since like I said most of my posts on ADN will be cross posted to @driverchrismc on twitter. It’s not absolutely necessary that you follow me on ADN as long as your follow me on twitter you’ll be seeing retweets of what I’ve posted there.

In addition I have since found out that my initial fascination with ADNs 256 character limit. It’s not all good, there do seem to be some limitations. First of all you have to either recieve an invitation from a paid subscriber or get the app.net app on your iphone. https://join.app.net/I havent a clue if its available on android. Maybe one of you robot phone users will read this and find out. If you do please let me know in the comments section. If you are on a free account like I am, you are limited to 40 people you can follow. So I’m guessing here that your number of followers will be limited as well. I can’t prove that yet because at this time I only have one follower.
Here’s a link if you’d like more information on a free app.net account    limitations link

Well that’s about all I can think of to say here. I’m sure you were all ready and waiting for me to conclude this thing. So until next time. Be safe out there drivers.
